
제        목 ICCEPM 2024, Sapporo (7/29 -8/1)
작  성  일 2023-07-10

We are excited to announce that 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM) is hosted in Sapporo from July 29th to August 1st 2024.

We would like to invite you to attend and participate in various conference activities including academic paper presentations, business seminars and workshops, networking, music performance, dinner banquet, and post-conference excursion. These conference activities will be highly educational, practical and enjoyable for students, academics and practitioners.

The 2024 ICCEPM theme is “How innovative technology shapes sustainable built environment beyond limits for research and industry”. Under this theme, the conference will provide inspiring and thought-provoking opportunities through engagement with internationally renowned scholars and industry leaders known for their innovation.

Unlike traditional academic conferences, this ICCEPM conference is uniquely designed to blend creative ideas from academia and innovative practices from industry. Conference participants will experience the powerful synergy between academia and industry that will guide the future direction of the construction industry.


 Important Dates 
 ▶ Registration [Details] 
     * Registration Deadline: April 20, 2024
        - Authors must be registered for the conference by April 20, 2024, or their paper will be withdrawn.
        - All accepted papers must be presented at the conference.

 ▶ Submission [Details]
        - Abstract Submission : November 1, 2023
        - Full Paper Submission : February 15, 2024
        - Notification of Full Paper Acceptance : April 1, 2024

※ Presentation only (recommended for industry speakers)
        - Abstract Submission : February 15, 2024
        - Notification of Full Paper Acceptance : April 1, 2024

 Contact   ICCEPM2024 Secretariat and Administration Committee:  ICCEPM2024@gmail.com
 ICCEPM 2024 Homepage   https://iccepm2024.com